Many People love Fireworks, but...
Most Pets Don't!
Here are some safety tips and things to keep in mind so you and your pets have a safe 4th of July!
Loud noises, flashing bright lights, things flying through the air! The 4th of July=Fireworks. While most humans many enjoy them, it can often times stress out, scare and confuse a pet. More pets go missing from July 1st-July 6th than any other time of the year.

2) Turn on some soothing music, the TV or a fan to even out the noise.
3) If you have company coming over, let them know your pets are scared of fireworks and so you have put them in a safe area, let them know you prefer they don't go in and see them because, lets face it, no one knows what a scared dog or cat will do. They may bite, they may try to run...Who knows!
4) If your pets are outdoors with you, use caution with fireworks. Most days, you throw a ball and want them to fetch it...Today you may be throwing something that can explode in their face or burn their paw. While this seems like common sense, I think it bears restating. DON'T LIGHT FIREWORKS WITH YOUR PETS AROUND!
5) Make sure they have their collars and tags on. Even if they don't like it and don't normally wear it, please, please put it on for now. If they should run, this will be the easiest way for someone to identify your pet.
6) Try Essential Oils to help calm them. See our Blog on Essential Oils by clicking here.
7) If you see an animal running loose, please report it to your local animal control, animal shelter, local rescue groups/lost and found pet sites on facebook.
8) Glow sticks are fun, but not for pets. They can chew on them and ingest the contents with can lead to sickness or swallow the plastic, leading to an obstruction or chocking.

10) Keep items they don't need to be in out of their reach. Lighters, bug spray, matches, citronella candles and torches...ANYTHING that they don't need to be in, put out of reach!
We hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July.