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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Think ahead:  Companion Animals are for Life

As the Holiday season (or anytime for that matter) approaches, we know many people are looking for the perfect present...Maybe a dog, maybe a cat.  Of course, we always encourage adopting from your local animal shelter; of course we encourage you to buy good high quality food and treats; of course we encourage you to engage with your pet and of course, we encourage you to plan ahead and to think. Pets are not a commodity... they are not disposable...they are not a novelty... they are a commitment. 

Before bringing a pet into your life, make sure you have the time to spend with them, the financial resources to take care of them, and, a big enough bed and couch to snuggle up with them.  All to many times, I have heard stories of how people have adopted a pet, or gotten or given a pet as a Christmas present, only to hear about a month or two later how they had to surrender "their buddy" because they didn't have the time, it was to expensive, it pottied  in the house, it chewed a shoe, it wanted to go out and go for a walk all the time, it was to rambunctious and a slew of many other reasons.

Here are the facts-If you bring a puppy or kitten or any type of baby into your home, your bringing their heart in to your home too. Guess what, they were probably a little nervous at first, it's a new home, with new people and new freedom.  They are little "children", they are going to get into things, they are going to explore.  If you don't have the time to take them for walks, potty train, exercise them and love them, then please don't bring one into your home and your life.  They trust you, they love you, and they want to be with you.  There is an old saying, A dog (or cat or any pet) is a part of your life, but to you, you are everything in their life.

So we encourage you to Think Ahead and Plan Ahead.  They are a commitment, but one definitely worth it.  The love and companionship you get from a pet, makes it so worth the commitment you make to them. They are always there with a wagging tail, warm heart, and ear to listen, and they will be there to greet you when you get home to "their" home.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Small Business is the Backbone of America

You Support over 20 American Businesses.

You Contribute to the tax base of your local area.

You help us help over 8 local pet adoption agencies, thereby reducing the euthanasia of countless animals. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Christmas Giving Tree at Tails To Remember Pet Services.

Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming!
Of course everyone is aware that Christmas is just around the corner.  Don't forget your pets.  We have many great gift ideas for your pets and pet loving friends.

We also are helping many of our local animal shelters and rescue organizations. While you are here picking up some stocking stuffers for Fido and Felix, please make sure to donate and help those pets who may not have a warm home and Christmas tree to gather around this year.  Donation boxes for Animal Protective League, Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control,  Forever Home Feline Ranch, Helping Paw Project, Illinois Humane, PAWS of Sangamon County and WILD are on our Giving Tree.  Stop in and see us, grab some gifts and help those animals that are less fortunate.

Tails to Remember is located at 3036 Peoria Road, Springfield, IL-just North of the Illinois State Fairgrounds.  Our gift shoppe is open Wednesday through Saturday 9-5.  Our Self Service Pet Wash is open daily, and, should you need assistance for the loss of a pet, you can call us 24 hours a day/7 days a week at 217-725-9511.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips from the American Veterinary Medical Association

Thanksgiving is a special holiday that brings together family and friends, but it also can carry some hazards for pets. Holiday food needs to be kept away from pets, and pet owners who travel need to either transport their pets safely or find safe accommodations for them at home. Follow these tips to keep your pets healthy and safe during the holiday.

Poison Risks

Overindulging in the family feast can be unhealthy for humans, but even worse for pets: Fatty foods are hard for animals to digest. Poultry bones can damage your pet’s digestive tract. And holiday sweets can contain ingredients that are poisonous to pets.
  • Keep the feast on the table—not under it.  Eating turkey or turkey skin – sometimes even a small amount – can cause a life-threatening condition in pets known as pancreatitis. Fatty foods are hard for animals to digest, and many foods that are healthy for people are poisonous to pets – including onions, raisins and grapes. If you want to share a Thanksgiving treat with your pet, make or buy a treat that is made just for them.
  • No pie or other desserts for your pooch. Chocolate can be harmful for pets, even though many dogs find it tempting and will sniff it out and eat it. The artificial sweetener called xylitol – commonly used in gum and sugar-free baked goods – also can be deadly if consumed by dogs or cats.
  • Yeast dough can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating.
  • Put the trash away where your pets can’t find it.  A turkey carcass sitting out on the carving table, or left in a trash container that is open or easily opened, could be deadly to your family pet. Dispose of turkey carcasses and bones – and anything used to wrap or tie the meat, such as strings, bags and packaging – in a covered, tightly secured trash bag placed in a closed trash container outdoors (or behind a closed, locked door).
  • Be careful with decorative plants. Don’t forget that some flowers and festive plants can be toxic to pets. These include amaryllis, Baby’s Breath, Sweet William, some ferns, hydrangeas and more. The ASPCA offers lists of plants that are toxic to both dogs and cats, but the safest route is simply to keep your pets away from all plants and table decorations.
  • Quick action can save lives. If you believe your pet has been poisoned or eaten something it shouldn’t have, call your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic immediately. You may also want to call the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline: 888-426-4435. Signs of pet distress include: sudden changes in behavior, depression, pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Precautions for Parties

If you’re hosting a party or overnight visitors, plan ahead to keep your pets safe and make the experience less stressful for everyone.
  • Visitors can upset your pets. Some pets are shy or excitable around new people or in crowds, and Thanksgiving often means many visitors at once and higher-than-usual noise and activity levels. If you know your dog or cat is nervous when people visit your home, put him/her in another room or a crate with a favorite toy. This will reduce the emotional stress on your pet and protect your guests from possible injury. If your pet is particularly upset by houseguests, talk to your veterinarian about possible solutions to this common problem.
    Learn about dog bite prevention.
    • If any of your guests have compromised immune systems (due to pregnancy, some diseases, or medications or treatments that suppress the immune system), make sure they’re aware of the pets (especially exotic pets) in your home so they can take extra precautions to protect themselves.
    • If you have exotic pets, remember that some people are uncomfortable around them and that these pets may be more easily stressed by the festivities. Keep exotic pets safely away from the hubbub of the holiday.
  • Watch the exits. Even if your pets are comfortable around guests, make sure you watch them closely, especially when people are entering or leaving your home. While you’re welcoming hungry guests and collecting coats, a four-legged family member may make a break for it out the door and become lost.
  • Identification tags and microchips reunite families. Make sure your pet has proper identification with your current contact information – particularly a microchip with up-to-date, registered information. That way, if they do sneak out, they’re more likely to be returned to you. If your pet isn’t already microchipped, talk to your veterinarian about the benefits of this simple procedure.
    Learn more about microchips.
  • Watch your pets around festive decorations. Special holiday displays or candles are attractive to pets as well as people. Never leave a pet alone in an area with a lit candle; it could result in a fire. And pine cones, needles and other decorations can cause intestinal blockages or even perforate an animal’s intestine if eaten.

Travel Concerns

Whether you take your pets with you or leave them behind, take these precautions to safeguard them when traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday or at any other time of the year.
Your pet needs a health certificate from your veterinarian if you’re traveling across state lines or international borders, whether by air or car. Learn the requirements for any states you will visit or pass through, and schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to get the needed certificate within the timeframes required by those states.
Learn more about health certificates.
Never leave pets alone in vehicles, even for a short time, regardless of the weather.
Pets should always be safely restrained in vehicles. This means using a secure harness or a carrier, placed in a location clear of airbags. This helps protect your pets if you brake or swerve suddenly, or get in an accident; keeps them away from potentially poisonous food or other items you are transporting; prevents them from causing dangerous distractions for the driver; and can prevent small animals from getting trapped in small spaces. Never transport your pet in the bed of a truck.
Learn more about properly restraining pets in vehicles.
Talk with your veterinarian if you’re traveling by air and considering bringing your pet with you. Air travel can put some pets at risk, especially short-nosed dogs. Your veterinarian is the best person to advise you regarding your own pet’s ability to travel.
Pack for your pet as well as yourself if you’re going to travel together. In addition to your pet’s food and medications, this includes bringing medical records, information to help identify your pet if it becomes lost, first aid supplies, and other items. Refer to our Traveling with Your Pet FAQ for a more complete list. 
Are you considering boarding your dog while you travel? Talk with your veterinarian to find out how best to protect your pet from canine flu and other contagious diseases, and to make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccines.

Food Safety

Don’t forget to protect your family and loved ones from foodborne illnesses while cooking your Thanksgiving meal. Hand washing, and safe food handling and preparation, are important to make sure your holiday is a happy one. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers tips for handling, thawing and cooking turkey, as well as saving your leftovers.

More Information

Please visit the American Veterinary Medical Association  for more information at

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Traveling with Your Pet: What to Pack and How to Prepare.  Tips form the Humane Society of the United States

Basic supplies and a little preparation will make travel easier and safer for your pet
A few basic supplies and some careful preparations are key to making your trip a safe and happy one for both you and your pet. Here are a few tips to make traveling safe and comfortable for your best pal.

Packing for your pet

Supplies your pet will need

Don't forget your pet's food, food and water dishes, bedding, litter and litter box, leash, collar and tags, grooming supplies, a first-aid kit (for dogs or cats), and any necessary medications. Always have a container of drinking water with you—pets get thirsty!
Also pack a few of your pet's favorite toys so she'll have something familiar to play with and remind her of home.

Identification for your pet

Your pet should wear a sturdy collar with ID tags throughout the trip. The tags should have both your permanent address and telephone number and an address and telephone number where you or a contact can be reached during your travels.
Carry a current photograph of your pet with you. If your pet is lost during a trip, a photograph will make it easier for others (airline employees, the police, shelter workers, and others) to help you find your pet.

Your pet's travel carriers and harnesses

For safety's sake, your pet must stay in a carrier when traveling by car. Carriers and are mandatory when your pet is traveling by air.
Your pet's carrier should be durable and smooth-edged with opaque sides, a grille door, and several ventilation holes on each of the four sides. Choose a carrier with a secure door and door latch.
Because most cats are not as comfortable travelling in cars, for their own safety as well as yours, keep them in a carrier.
Dog restraints or seatbelts are useful for preventing your dog from roaming around the car and being a distraction to the driver, but they haven't been reliably shown to protect dogs during a crash. Read more about car travel and pets »
Because most cats are not as comfortable travelling in cars, for their own safety as well as yours, it is best to keep them in a carrier.
It's important to restrain carriers in the car so that they don't bounce around and cause possible harm to the pet inside. You can do this by securing the seat belt around and over the front of the carrier.
If your pet is traveling by air, the carrier should have food and water dishes. Airline-appropriate pet carriers are available at pet-supply stores, or you can purchase them directly from domestic airlines. Select a carrier that has enough room for your pet to sit and lie down but is not large enough to allow your pet to be tossed about during travel. You can make the carrier more comfortable by lining the interior with shredded newspaper, a towel, or a blanket.

Preparing your pet 

Help your pet get used to the carrier ahead of time

It is wise to acclimate your pet to the carrier in the months or weeks preceding your trip. Let your pet explore the carrier; place her food dish inside the carrier and confine her to the carrier for brief periods. Put her in the carrier and take short drives around the neighborhood. If properly introduced to car travel, most dogs and cats will quickly adjust to and even enjoy car trips. If your cat is afraid to go into her carrier, try our techniques for helping her become comfortable in it »

Help your pet avoid motion sickness

Like humans, pets can experience motion sickness. Take along ice cubes, which are easier on your pet than large amounts of water. Keep feeding to a minimum during travel, and provide a light meal for your pet two to three hours before you leave (if traveling by car), or four to six hours before departure if traveling by air. Allow small amounts of water periodically in the hours before the trip.
The Humane Society of the United States

Friday, November 11, 2016

As I was thinking about Veteran's Day, I began to think about my Grandpa, my Brother-in-law and my Friends that served in the Military.  I am very proud of all of them and all that have served our Country.  Thank you for your service to our Country and for our freedom and safety.  Then, of course, as a pet guy, I got thinking what about all the dogs that have served.  So I began researching for this blog, and I came across this organization.  I realized, I didn't need to write an article, but I needed to share this organization.  It is an amazing read, much to lengthily for this blog, so here is a link to The United States War Dogs Association. Please take a few minutes to check it out, it has a great history of how dogs have been used by different agencies and in different wars.  Please visit to learn more.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thankful for...

As November begins, we know how busy and hectic life becomes for everyone.  Work, cooking, shopping, decorating...

We also should take the time to stop and think of what all we are thankful for.  Our family, friends, our pets, food on the table, shelter...

Since I began working with Animal Rescue Organizations, I have learned how important volunteers are and how thankful I am for them.  Without volunteers, much of the work and care simply wouldn't be able to take place, thereby reducing the number of animals each organization can help.  The Greater Springfield area is fortunate to have several wonderful organizations.  While the policies, size and the organizational set up may vary from organization to organization, all of them have one main mission, to help the animals.  All of the organizations can use more volunteers.

Volunteering is fun and gratifying.  There are so many things you can do, maybe you want a dog, but can't have one in your current housing situation, volunteering is a great way to still have interaction with pets.  Going for a walk, feeding, letting a kitten curl up on your lap are all great ways to help.  Maybe you or a family member is allergic to pets, donations are another great way to help. One thing I can say for sure, every organization I have had the privilege to work with has a similar problem.  There is never enough money in the budget.  There also is the need for volunteers to work adoption events and to help with and attend events.  Also, if the shelter has facilities, there is always the need to clean, mow, rake leaves and general maintenance.

Most  shelters do have a training program and may require an application.  Some have set hours for volunteers, others don't.  Please check out all the organizations to see how you may be able to help. Links to local organizations websites are available at

So as we enter this season of Thanksgiving, please know that the rescue groups here in the Springfield area are so grateful and thankful to the volunteers that allow them to continue the work of helping each animal one at a time.  Please consider helping anyway you can.  After all, after Thanksgiving, I know that I could use an extra walk or excerise to get those pounds off.