It's that time of year again when the ghouls and goblins come out. Ding Dong goes the doorbell, you slowly open it and are meet by Freddie, Cookie Monster, or even worse, Barney! But what are your pets thinking? Halloween can be a very frightening night for them...all these strangers...why are they dressed like that? We don't really know what they are thinking. There's a lot of dangers as well. How many times do you open your door creating a perfect escape route while your busy passing out the treats and admiring the costumes. Of course, there's always the danger of the decorations. You probably have more candles lit, cords plugged in and glittery and flashing things around. And of course there is this danger...CANDY! While we (or at least I) like candy, it can cause sickness or even death to our pets.
1) Halloween is probably one of those nights you'd like to cuddle up on the couch and watch a scary movie, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Psycho. Of course you'll need your furry four legged guardian to protect you, but if you have lots of trick or treaters, You may be better off to leave you pets in another room, one where they are comfortable and away from the commotion and most of all safe and not able to escape the house. First of all the costumes may scare them and a dog that never bites, may do so out of fear. Second, there are a lot of cars and people out. Drivers are trying to pay attention, but lets face it, Halloween is a big night of distracted driving. So, to protect your loved ones, make sure they are safe and secure, and watch the movie later after trick or treating hours.

2) Decorations make the house look spooky! Purr-fect for Halloween, but they can also present hazards. How nosey is your pet. I usually can see the, "Well, lets take a look at what's in there face" come across my cat's face. It's amazing how fast he can bat the lid of a container, or knock it over. yea, lets just go there, chances are he's going to knock it over. What if there is a lit candle in there. Hot wax on the floor is the least of your worries. Glitter, lights, motion activated ghost and spiders! They may look great, but it may look like a toy to your pet. Make sure they are in a safe place and secure.
3) CANDY: I Love Candy! But candy can be harmful to your pets. Most pet owners know Chocolate, especially dark and baking chocolate are bad for your pets. But may candies contain artificial sweeteners that can be lethal to your pets, so keep it our of reach and make sure you or your trick or treaters didn't accidently leave a piece behind. If you suspect you pet has ingested something they shouldn't have,
please call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately.
4) Make sure your pet has his or her collar and tags on, just in case.

5) Pet Costumes-These are a whole other can of worms- Make sure it's safe for your pet. Try it on them first and make sure they are OK wearing it. If it has hair or braids, are they short enough your pet can walk safely? I guess the easiest way to say it is this, Is it safe? Would you be comfortable wearing it? Can I see OK? Can I walk OK? If you answered NO to any of these, then don't put it on them. Plus some pets just don't like wearing clothes, don't force them. It can cause anxiety.
From all of us at Tails to Remember, please have a fun and safe Halloween. Watch for Kids and Pets and keep an eye on the candy.