Why would I cremate my pet?
To many, their family pet is more than just a dog, a cat, a
bird or the many species of pets people have.
They are a part of the family. They
curl up on the couch with you, go for rides in the car, snuggle into bed or go
for walks or runs with you. You talk to
them, play games with them or simply just give them a pat on the head. But they are there, your constant companion,
maybe even your best friend.

Pets receive advanced health care, dental cleanings, organic treats and
spa treatments. The way we care for them
in death has changed too.
It used to be that when you dog or cat died, it was time to
go to the back yard, take a shovel, dig a grave, bury your dog, make a make
shift grave marker and keep it a private, family affair. Times have changed. More and more, pet parents are choosing
cremation for their pets.
The reasons
why vary, but here are a few.
First of all, we have become a more mobile society. Not many people are born in the same house
and live there all their lives. People
move for job opportunities, new homes, to be closer to family, to be in a
warmer climate or possibly even to get away from family. That means when you move, you leave trusty
Fido buried in the yard. For some, that
is a hard concept to deal with, for others, it may be no big deal.
Others want their pet to always be with them, even buried or
scattered with them when they die.
Sometimes it is simply impractical or you may not even be
allowed to bury your pet. Frozen ground
in the winter or muddy conditions in the spring and fall sometimes prevent you
from being able to bury. If you rent, many
landlords will not let you bury on the rented property. Some communities also prohibit burial. In any case, in Illinois, you need to contact
J.U.L.I.E. prior to digging. You may be
surprised by what's buried in your yard. That's because most electric,
gas, water, sewer and telecommunications companies are delivering utility
services underground.
To avoid personal injury and damage to those
underground lines, state law requires you to contact JULIE before any digging project, regardless of the
project size or depth. CALL 811 OR 1-800-892-0123. Both the call and JULIE's services are free. You can visit J.U.L.I.E.’s web site at http://illinois1call.com/homeowners/ to learn more. Please keep in mind, after calling, you must
wait two (2) business days prior to digging.
Failure to contact J.U.L.I.E. may result in you being liable for any
damages you cause to the underground utilities.
Heaven forbid you knock out the
cable to the neighborhood during the big game or sweeps week, but even worse, just
think about what could happen if you hit a gas or electric line.
Your own personal
health may prevent you from digging a grave that is appropriate for your pet. You have to think about the size of grave
that is necessary, it will need to accommodate your pet. Most Towns and Cities also require 18 inches
of earth to cover the remains. Are you
able to safely dig this big of a grave without endangering yourself?
These are all reasons
cremation has become more popular and I’m sure there are many others depending
on who you talk to. That’s why Tails to
Remember is here for you. We understand
the loss of a pet, to us, they are family, and that’s why we offer so many
specialized and personalized options. At
Tails to Remember Pet Services, we offer two forms of cremation.

Private Cremation: Private Cremation is where only your pet is
placed in the cremation chamber. Private
cremation is done one pet at a time. The
cremated remains are returned to you in a wooden temporary container, produced
by a local artisan, or you may choose a different urn that fits your style and
personality. Also included is an
embossed sealed cremation certificate, information regarding grief and a copy
of the “Rainbow Bridge” which can be framed.
Group Cremation: Group cremation is an
economical solution for those wanting their pet cared for in a dignified way,
but not wanting the cremated remains returned to them. Group cremation is the cremation of multiple
animals at one time, the cremated remains are not returned to the owner, they
are taken to a private farm and scattered by a pond.
Both forms of
cremation at Tails to Remember include our unique dual identification system
ensuring you are receiving your pets remains back or, in the case of group
cremation, that they were in fact cremated.
Still thinking of burial,
we can help you there too. From garden markers, caskets and other memorial
products, we can help you select options that will be right for you and your
Please give us a call or text us at 217-725-9511 with any questions or if you
experience the loss of a pet at home. We
can meet with you at your home, your Veterinarian’s office or in our comfortable,
relaxing facility. We even are able to
help coordinate with your Veterinarian to have euthanasia services conducted by
your vet at our facility. To learn more about all the options we have to offer,
stop out and visit us at 3036 Peoria Road, Springfield, IL. Our regular office hours are Tuesday through
Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
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